Personalize this sign by choosing the wood color then tell us your font choice, wording and details in the CONTACT US section.
23" garden stakes. You choose the color,image and up to two handpainted words. Weatherproof and perfect for vegetable and herb gardens
Personalize this sign by writing your choice of wording,font & artistic details in the contact us section.Your sign will ship in 1-2 days.
Handmade Garden Markers,custom outdoor garden stake,vegetable markers,garden gift,16" garden labels,custom garden sign,custom garden label
custom garden markers for childrens gardens,container gardens or anywhere you want to add a personalized message. Perfect garden gift.
Personalize this sign by writing your choice of wording,font & artistic details in the contact us section.Your sign will ship in 1-2 days.
Custom birdhouse on a stake,wooden birdhouse,birdhouse decor,garden gift,garden gift,fairy garden wood birdhouse stake,custom birdhouse sign
Custom garden marker,childrens garden stake,custom sign outdoor,garden label,outdoor garden gift,personalized garden marker,grandparent gift
Mini birdhouse on a stake,wooden birdhouse,garden gift,garden decor,fairy garden wood birdhouse stake,custom birdhouse sign, gardening gift